Discover the Best Red Circle Podcast Hosting for Your Show: Our Review

Red Circle Podcast Hosting: The Ultimate Hosting Platform for Your Show

If you are a podcaster or planning to start your own podcast, you must have heard of Red Circle. Red Circle is a podcast hosting platform that offers unlimited hosting, quick distribution, and a high-power monetization suite. In this article, we will take a deep dive into Red Circle’s features, pricing plans, pros and cons, and user reviews to help you decide if it is the right platform for your podcast.

Why Podcast Hosting is Important

Before we dive into Red Circle’s features, let’s first understand why podcast hosting is important. A podcast hosting platform allows you to upload your audio files and create an RSS feed that you can submit to various podcast directories. These directories include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and others where listeners can find and stream your show.

Hosting your podcast on a reliable platform ensures that your show is always available to your listeners, and you have complete control over your content. Moreover, a good podcast host also provides you with in-depth analytics to help you track your podcast’s growth and monetization.

Red Circle as a Podcast Hosting Platform

Red Circle is a San Francisco-based company that assists podcast creators with building, distributing, growing, and monetizing their podcasts. Founded by Jeremy Lermitte and Michael Kadin, Red Circle offers unlimited hosting and distribution for your podcast, making it a popular choice among podcasters.

Red Circle provides podcasters with monetization features such as ad platforms, subscriptions, and donations. It is also suitable for brands and agencies to advertise on relevant shows. The platform offers support through various channels and unique features such as dynamic insertion, cross-promotion marketplace, and generating videos for episodes. However, it does not support live streaming or video podcasts.

Key Benefits of Using Red Circle

Here are some of the key benefits of using Red Circle for your podcast hosting needs:
Unlimited hosting and distribution: Red Circle offers unlimited hosting and distribution for your podcast, allowing you to upload and host as many episodes as you want without worrying about storage limits.
Monetization features: Red Circle provides podcasters with monetization features such as ad platforms, subscriptions, and donations, allowing you to earn revenue from your podcast.
Dynamic insertion of ads: Red Circle’s dynamic insertion feature allows you to insert ads into your podcast episodes based on various factors such as location, time of day, and listener demographics, maximizing your ad revenue.
Cross-promotion marketplace: Red Circle’s cross-promotion marketplace allows you to connect with other podcasters and promote each other’s shows, helping you grow your audience.
RedCircle Studios: Red Circle also offers RedCircle Studios, a professional podcast production service that helps you improve the quality of your podcast.
In-depth analytics: Red Circle provides you with in-depth analytics to help you track your podcast’s growth and monetization, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

In the next section, we will take a closer look at Red Circle’s features and how they can benefit your podcast.

Red Circle Features

Red Circle provides podcasters with a wide range of features that make podcast hosting and monetization a breeze. Here are some of the key features of Red Circle:

Unlimited Hosting and Distribution

Red Circle offers unlimited hosting and distribution for your podcast. This means that you can upload and host as many episodes as you want without worrying about storage limits. Red Circle also distributes your podcast to all major podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts](, Spotify, [Google Podcasts, and others, making it easier for your listeners to find and stream your show.

Monetization Features

Red Circle provides podcasters with various monetization features that allow you to earn revenue from your podcast. Here are some of the monetization features offered by Red Circle:

Ad Platform

Red Circle’s ad platform allows you to monetize your podcast by inserting ads into your episodes. You can set your own ad rates and choose the type of ads you want to display. Red Circle’s dynamic insertion feature ensures that the right ads are played to the right listeners, maximizing your ad revenue. According to a review by, Red Circle’s ad platform is easy to use and provides a good return on investment.


Red Circle allows you to create and manage subscriptions for your podcast. You can offer exclusive content to your subscribers and set your own subscription pricing. Red Circle also handles the payment processing and provides you with detailed analytics on your subscription revenue. According to One Hour Professor, Red Circle’s subscription feature is easy to set up and provides a good source of recurring revenue.


Red Circle also allows you to accept donations from your listeners. You can set up a donation page on your Red Circle dashboard and accept one-time or recurring donations from your listeners. According to Adam Enfroy, Red Circle’s donation feature is easy to use and provides a good source of additional revenue.

Dynamic Insertion of Ads

Red Circle’s dynamic insertion feature allows you to insert ads into your podcast episodes based on various factors such as location, time of day, and listener demographics. This ensures that the right ads are played to the right listeners, maximizing your ad revenue. According to, Red Circle’s dynamic insertion feature is one of the best in the industry.

Cross-Promotion Marketplace

Red Circle’s cross-promotion marketplace allows you to connect with other podcasters and promote each other’s shows. This helps you grow your audience and increase your podcast’s visibility. According to One Hour Professor, Red Circle’s cross-promotion marketplace is a great way to get more exposure for your podcast.

RedCircle Studios

Red Circle also offers RedCircle Studios, a professional podcast production service that helps you improve the quality of your podcast. RedCircle Studios provides services such as editing, mixing, and mastering to help you create a high-quality podcast. According to RedCircle, RedCircle Studios has a team of experienced professionals who can help you take your podcast to the next level.

Video Generation for Episodes

Red Circle allows you to generate videos for your podcast episodes. This feature turns your audio podcast into a video format, making it easier to promote your show on video-sharing platforms such as YouTube. According to Threado, Red Circle’s video generation feature is a great way to repurpose your audio content and reach a wider audience.

In-depth Analytics

Red Circle provides you with in-depth analytics to help you track your podcast’s growth and monetization. You can track your audience demographics, episode downloads, revenue, and other key metrics to make data-driven decisions. According to One Hour Professor, Red Circle’s analytics dashboard is easy to use and provides you with all the information you need to grow your podcast.

Red Circle Pricing

Red Circle offers a tiered pricing system based on the number of monthly downloads your podcast receives. Here’s a breakdown of Red Circle’s pricing plans:

Free Plan

Red Circle’s free plan offers unlimited hosting and distribution for your podcast, as well as basic analytics and monetization features. However, Red Circle takes a 30% cut of your ad revenue and donation revenue. The free plan is best for hobbyist podcasters who are just starting out and don’t have a large audience yet.

Creator Plan

Red Circle’s Creator plan costs $25/month and offers more advanced analytics and monetization features. With the Creator plan, you can monetize your podcast with ads, subscriptions, and donations, and Red Circle takes a smaller 20% cut of your ad and donation revenue. The Creator plan also includes access to Red Circle’s cross-promotion marketplace.

Professional Plan

Red Circle’s Professional plan costs $39/month and includes all the features of the Creator plan, as well as access to Red Circle’s video generation feature and priority support. With the Professional plan, Red Circle takes only a 15% cut of your ad and donation revenue.

Enterprise Plan

Red Circle’s Enterprise plan is designed for podcast networks and large-scale podcasters. The Enterprise plan includes all the features of the Professional plan, as well as custom branding options, multi-user access, and priority support. Pricing for the Enterprise plan is custom and based on your specific needs.


Red Circle has some limitations that you should be aware of. For example, Red Circle does not support live streaming or video podcasts. Additionally, Red Circle takes a larger cut of your revenue compared to other podcast hosting platforms such as Buzzsprout](, Transistor, and [Podbean. However, Red Circle’s unique monetization features and cross-promotion marketplace make it a popular choice among podcasters who want to earn revenue from their show.

Red Circle Interface and Customer Service

Red Circle’s interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Here are some of the key features of Red Circle’s interface:


Red Circle’s dashboard is where you can manage your podcast, upload episodes, and view your analytics. The dashboard is well-organized and provides you with all the information you need to manage and grow your podcast.

Monetization Settings

Red Circle’s monetization settings allow you to set up ads, subscriptions, and donations for your podcast. You can choose the type of ads you want to display, set your own ad rates, and create subscription plans for your listeners. Red Circle also handles the payment processing for subscriptions and donations, making it easier for you to monetize your podcast.

Analytics Dashboard

Red Circle’s analytics dashboard provides you with detailed information about your podcast’s growth and monetization. You can track your audience demographics, episode downloads, revenue, and other key metrics to make data-driven decisions.

Customer Service

Red Circle provides excellent customer service through various channels such as email and chat support. According to a review by One Hour Professor, Red Circle’s customer service is responsive and helpful, and the team is knowledgeable about podcasting.


Red Circle has some limitations when it comes to customer service. For example, Red Circle does not offer phone support, which may be a drawback for some podcasters. However, Red Circle’s email and chat support are reliable and responsive, and most issues can be resolved quickly.

User Reviews

According to user reviews on G2]( and [Capterra, Red Circle’s interface is easy to use and provides a good user experience. Users also praise Red Circle’s monetization features and analytics dashboard, as well as the platform’s responsive customer service.

Red Circle Alternatives

While Red Circle is a great option for podcast hosting and monetization, there are other platforms that you may want to consider. Here are some alternatives to Red Circle:


Buzzsprout is a popular podcast hosting platform that offers unlimited hosting and distribution, detailed analytics, and easy-to-use tools for monetization. Buzzsprout’s pricing plans start at $12/month and go up to $49/month, and the platform does not take a cut of your revenue. Buzzsprout also offers excellent customer support and a user-friendly interface.


Transistor is a podcast hosting platform that offers unlimited hosting and distribution, advanced analytics, and a suite of monetization features such as ad insertion and listener support. Transistor’s pricing plans start at $19/month and go up to $99/month, and the platform does not take a cut of your revenue. Transistor also offers excellent customer support and a user-friendly interface.


Podbean is a podcast hosting platform that offers unlimited hosting and distribution, advanced analytics, and a wide range of monetization features such as ads, subscriptions, and listener support. Podbean’s pricing plans start at $9/month and go up to $99/month, and the platform takes a small cut of your revenue. Podbean also offers excellent customer support and a user-friendly interface.


Captivate is a podcast hosting platform that offers unlimited hosting and distribution, advanced analytics, and a suite of monetization features such as ad insertion and listener support. Captivate’s pricing plans start at $19/month and go up to $99/month, and the platform does not take a cut of your revenue. Captivate also offers excellent customer support and a user-friendly interface.

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table of Red Circle and its alternatives:

PlatformPricingMonetization FeaturesCustomer SupportInterface
Red CircleFree – $39/monthAds, Subscriptions, DonationsEmail, ChatUser-friendly
Buzzsprout$12 – $49/monthAds, Affiliate MarketingEmail, Chat, PhoneUser-friendly
Transistor$19 – $99/monthAds, Listener SupportEmail, ChatUser-friendly
Podbean$9 – $99/monthAds, Subscriptions, Listener SupportEmail, ChatUser-friendly
Captivate$19 – $99/monthAds, Listener SupportEmail, ChatUser-friendly


When choosing a podcast hosting platform, you should consider your specific needs and budget. While Red Circle may be a good option for some podcasters, other platforms such as Buzzsprout, Transistor, Podbean, and Captivate may offer better features or pricing plans. Be sure to do your research and choose a platform that fits your needs and goals.

Red Circle Pros and Cons

Like any podcast hosting platform, Red Circle has its pros and cons. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using Red Circle:


Monetization Features

Red Circle offers several monetization features such as ads, subscriptions, and donations, making it easy for podcasters to earn revenue from their show.

Cross-Promotion Marketplace

Red Circle’s cross-promotion marketplace allows podcasters to connect with other podcasters and promote their show to a wider audience.

User-Friendly Interface

Red Circle’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it easy for podcasters to manage and grow their show.

Unlimited Hosting and Distribution

Red Circle offers unlimited hosting and distribution for your podcast, so you don’t have to worry about running out of space or bandwidth.

Excellent Customer Service

Red Circle provides excellent customer service through email and chat support, and the team is knowledgeable about podcasting.


Revenue Cut

Red Circle takes a significant cut of your ad and donation revenue, which may be a drawback for some podcasters.

No Live Streaming or Video Podcasts

Red Circle does not support live streaming or video podcasts, which may be a limitation for some podcasters.

Comparison to Alternatives

When compared to other podcast hosting platforms such as Buzzsprout, Transistor, Podbean, and Captivate, Red Circle’s unique selling points are its monetization features and cross-promotion marketplace. However, Red Circle takes a larger cut of your revenue compared to some of its competitors, and it does not support live streaming or video podcasts.

Overall, Red Circle is a great option for podcasters who want to monetize their show and connect with other podcasters. However, it may not be the best option for podcasters who value a larger revenue share or support for live streaming and video podcasts.

Wrapping Up

Red Circle is a podcast hosting platform that offers monetization features, unlimited hosting and distribution, and a cross-promotion marketplace for podcasters. While Red Circle has its pros and cons, it may be a great option for podcasters who want to monetize their show and connect with other podcasters.

If you’re looking for more information about podcasting and podcast hosting, be sure to check out our other articles. We cover a wide range of topics such as podcast equipment, podcast promotion, and podcasting tips and tricks.

Thank you for reading, and happy podcasting!

Common Questions

Who can use Red Circle podcast hosting?

Anyone can use Red Circle, from new podcasters to veterans.

What are the unique features of Red Circle?

Red Circle offers monetization features, cross-promotion marketplace, and unlimited hosting.

How much does Red Circle podcast hosting cost?

Red Circle’s pricing plans range from free to $39/month.

What is the revenue share for Red Circle?

Red Circle takes a 30% cut of your ad and donation revenue.

How does Red Circle’s customer service compare to competitors?

Red Circle provides excellent customer service through email and chat support.

What are the limitations of Red Circle?

Red Circle does not support live streaming or video podcasts.

What are some alternatives to Red Circle?

Buzzsprout, Transistor, Podbean, and Captivate are popular alternatives to Red Circle.